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Articles | CBDExaminers Articles – Page 8 – CBDExaminers


Endocannabinoid System 101: How Cannabinoids Affect Your Health

Every time you look for anything related to CBD, you'll be inundated by information on how it's an extreme pain-reliever, that it could reduce all your stress and anxiety, improve your immunity, cure cancer, and myriad...

The History and Legal Status of CBD

The hype around CBD may only have been persisting in the air for the last few years, but don't let that trick you into believing CBD is something new. Researches have been conducted to verify the...

How to Find the Right CBD Brand and Product for You

CBD is no longer spoken about in hushed tones or recommended as an alternative treatment option for health issues. It is slowly growing into a juggernaut capturing the public's imagination with every new research that validates...

Proven Health Benefits of CBD: Top Studies and Current Science

Browsing around CBD sites might almost lead you to believe that CBD is a cure-for-all magic potion and a potential elixir for life.  From the dark days of being conflated with psychotic drugs, CBD has come...

A Beginner’s Guide to CBD

CBD is all the rage right now, with the industry making giant strides over the last few years and the public's perception gradually moving towards widespread acceptance. It's hard to walk around these days without hearing...