
November 13, 2020

Most of us think there is no scarier diagnosis than cancer. Cancer is often considered as an untreatable and painful disease with no possible cure. While some of it is true, this popular view is exaggerated. The truth is cancer is of several types, many of which can be treated effectively. Cancer causes many symptoms like fatigue, cough, fever, pain, skin changes, etc.

If you or your family member, or a friend of yours, is diagnosed with cancer, you will hear many treatment suggestions from chemotherapy to surgery. The treatments are usually more complicated than what you think they are. While these treatments could improve your life and extend the number of years of survival, they come with their own set of side effects.

Some of these short-term side effects can also turn into long-term health ailments if left untreated. Cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgeries, if all these which turns your body into a wreck, are not enough to deal with, you need to be cautious about their side effects as well.

Here is an alternative medicine that has helped cancer patients manage some of the symptoms of the disease and its side effects: CBD.

Numerous scientific studies (some of which you will come across in this article) have proved that CBD for cancer treatment is very effective. But first,

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBD and THC(Tetrahydrocannabinol) are the active components found in plants of the cannabis genus. CBD is a non-psychoactive drug that doesn’t cause you high when taken, while THC is psychoactively responsible for euphoria that is caused when cannabis is consumed.

Both CBD and THC can be extracted from hemp or cannabis Sativa plant. Legally, 0.3 percent of THC is permissible across the United States to take.

According to a report called Cannabidiol(CBD) from the World Health Organization, CBD is safe for human use and is well tolerated with a good safety profile.

Apart from WHO, CBD is declared as an alternative medicine by the FDA. CBD can be considered as an option to treat conditions like anxiety, chronic pain, etc.

CBD in cancer treatment

CBD can help cancer patients manage some of the disease’s symptoms and treat the side effects caused by cancer treatment. 

A study published in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry journal says that cannabinoids can reduce tumor growth and can increase the potency of certain drugs used for cancer.

While more research is needed to support these claims, CBD has undoubtedly helped many people with cancer manage the symptoms and side effects of the treatment.

Some of the side effects that CBD can treat are:


Appetite loss is one of the most common side effects of cancer and its treatment. This means you may eat less, feel full after eating a small quantity of food, or not feel hungry at all. Prolonged appetite loss can lead to severe problems.

CBD works with both CB-1 and CB-2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system. CB-2 receptors are responsible for the immune system and gastrointestinal systems of the body. Consumption of CBD products may stimulate the appetite. 

Pain relief:

Cancer pain can be due to a tumor pressing on bones, nerves, or organs of the body. Sometimes pain can also be due to cancer treatment like chemotherapy, radiation, etc.

CBD can help in treating different types of chronic pain. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it suitable to treat chronic pain. 

A study called, A Balanced Approach for Cannabidiol Use in Chronic Pain says that CBD presents an opportunity for the treatment of intractable chronic pain for which primary treatment is insufficient or not possible.

Nausea or vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are often side effects caused by chemotherapy. It is one of the distressing symptoms reported by most of the patients.

A study published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research journal showed that CBD consumption improved the side effects of nausea.


While CBD has many benefits in treating symptoms of cancer and side effects caused by its treatment, it should not be used in isolation from other therapies. Further research is required to establish concrete evidence for the use of CBD in cancer treatment.

CBD should be used in conjunction with other cancer treatments. One must make an informed decision in choosing a CBD product for cancer treatment.

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