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Know Your Cannabinoids: Understanding Hemp Beyond Just CBD

September 17, 2020

CBD is frequently touted as the be-all and end-all by a lot of companies. While CBD certainly has wide-ranging health benefits, a whole hemp plant holds more than 100 different cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and more. All these have their own set of features, attributes, and benefits.

Cannabinoids are naturally occurring phytochemicals found in a cannabis plant. These are similar to the Endocannabinoids produced by our bodies, but not the same. They do, however, interact with the ECS to alter your mood, reduce pain perception, improve immunity, promote homeostasis, etc. We have already discussed how cannabinoids work in the human body. So, in this article, we shall take a closer at various cannabinoids and their properties. 

Different cannabinoids

CBD products primarily contain CBD, and THC is just as popular due to its association with marijuana and the psychoactive high it induces. However, full spectrum CBD products have a spectrum of other cannabinoids that activate the CB receptors in different ways and work together in synergy to create an entourage effect.

How cannabinoids interact with CB receptors also varies. For instance, CBD doesn’t respond the same way with the CB1 receptor, as THC does. In fact, it actually acts as an inhibitor to the “high” effect of THC. 

Let’s take a quick look at the two major cannabinoids before we start examining the other ones. 

1. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)

Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the most popular and potent compounds found in Cannabis. It is the cause of “high” you experience when smoking marijuana. It can offer many therapeutic effects, though, and is a key component in medical marijuana treatments. 

It binds with the CB1 receptors and gives the user a feeling of sedation, elation, and relaxation. It’s been used to alleviate pain, alter mood, ward off Parkinson’s disease, lessen seizures, etc. However, most states regulate THC infused products, and all CBD products must have less than 0.3% THC to comply with regulations. 

2. CBD (Cannabidiol)

Cannabidiol is the star of the show, being responsible for most of the health benefits associated with Cannabis. It is, in essence, the counterpart to THC in that it offers the same type of effects without any intoxicating high. 

CBD is widely popular for its properties of reducing stress, suppressing appetite, improving mood, strengthening immunity, alleviating pain, and more. It binds with the CB2 receptors in the body. 

CBG (Cannabigerol)

Discovered quite recently, scientists believe this cannabinoid could be very beneficial to the human body despite being found in small quantities. It is thought to improve digestive syndromes like IBS, Crohn’s disease apart from glaucoma, tumor growth, etc. 

CBC (cannabichromene)

Similar to CBD, which counteracts the intoxication of THC, cannabichromene behaves accordingly with special healing properties. It is thought to impact brain health by improving neuroplasticity and neurogenesis significantly. 

It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties that work by interacting with other cannabinoids, rather than binding with the CB receptors. 

CBN (cannabinol)

While this is a psychoactive compound, it has a fraction of the potency of THC. The reason being it is formed when THC is exposed to oxygen, and hence loses its concentration.

It is a newly researched compound that is believed to improve sleep disorders and arthritis, inflammations, chronic pain, etc. 

CBDV (Cannabidivarin)

Numerous researches have suggested CBDV can be a driving factor in treating epilepsy, and allowing the CB receptors to process THC more effectively. It has anti-nausea and anti-convulsant properties and non- psychoactive compounds. 


Naturally occurring aromatic oils present in the cannabis plant, terpenes give it the unique scent and flavor while enhancing its therapeutic effects. Terpenes are the reason different strains of Cannabis can have different effects and give you varying psychoactive experiences. 

A cannabis plant has over 100 different terpenes, with the most important ones being myrcene, limonene, linalool, Caryophyllene, Alpha-pinene, and Beta-pinene. 


Very similar to terpenes, flavonoids give flavor and scent to the cannabis plant and essentially work with them to enhance the therapeutic effects. In nature, they’re responsible for the vivid colors seen in fruits and berries. They have strong antioxidant properties. 

There are more than 6000 flavonoids with them being broadly categorized into six categories, namely Anthoxanthins, Flavanones, Flavanonols, Flavans, Anthocyanidins, and Cannaflavons. 

Interestingly, cannaflavons are found only in the cannabis plant and give it it’s unique smell, taste, and color. 

Both terpenes and flavonoids can produce significant results in your cardiovascular health, boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, hindering cancerous cells, maintaining mental acuity, among other benefits. 


All the above-mentioned cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids work in synergy to produce a full effect in your body. Unlike other supplements, taking pure CBD isolate products is not beneficial except in very specific cases. The entourage effect produced by the other cannabinoids can have a far greater impact on your body. 

This is why often experts recommend opting for full spectrum CBD products over other variants. They usually contain proteins, fiber, and a range of essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.

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